This logo and branding is a good fit for a hair stylist or beauty brand.

AMplified template:

Includes vertical, horizontal, and round logo variations + additional brand marks.



“BN” = your business name initials


Meaning of the logo:


  • Symbolizes sun rays for positivity, happiness, and brightness

  • Variation in line style alludes to variation in personal style


  • Feels personal, alluding to relationships and authenticity

  • Symbolizes self-confidence, natural beauty, and empowerment

  • Illustrated look is approachable

  • Feels feminine


  • Badge-like shape for a feeling of professionalism and experience

Fonts* and colors:

  • Modern, youthful, and chic, bright, and welcoming

*You do not need to purchase these fonts in order to use this logo. If you wish to download the logo fonts yourself and use them to create other branded materials (recommended): one of the 2 fonts is available for free, and the other is $70.00 per weight. (A font “weight” is regular, bold, thin, etc. There is 1 weight used in the logo.)

Optional Add-ons:

Pattern design
May be added for an additional $45.00.

“BN” = your business name initials

Icon set
May be added for an additional $45.00.

Apply for this template:

Before applying, please note:

This is an Amplified Template: $950.00

    • Vertical, horizontal, and round logo variations + additional brand marks as shown above

      • Files saved for print and web in color, black & white, and white

    • Logo formatted for social media profile image

    • 1-sheet brand guidelines outlining the colors and font used in your logo

      • You do not need to purchase the font to use this logo. If you wish to download the font yourself, this template uses 2 fonts: one is available for free, and the other is $70.00 per weight (1 weight is used in the logo).

    • You’ll receive a contract and invoice for the full payment, both of which will be due to receive your design proof.

    • Within 7 business days of submitting both, you’ll receive 1 design proof showing your logos with your business name, and with any color and/or font adjustments.

      • One round of edits may be requested to your colors, fonts, and/or the spelling of your business name.

      • Please note that we aren’t able to make any customizations to your logo icon or layout. If you’re looking for a process that’s more custom, check out my custom Branding packages.

    • After approving your design proof, you’ll receive your files within 7 business days. Woohoo!


For Yoga or Fitness


For Nature or Outdoors