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Custom Branding

Show up with Confidence.

You started your business to be true to yourself. Let’s give you a brand that stands out just as boldly.

Branding Only Packages:

Designed with both polish and personality.

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Branding Basics

Ideal for service-based businesses who don’t have much regular need for graphics or print collateral. This package gives you the power to communicate your brand values and story, without a ton of extras you’ll never use.

    • Primary logo + 2 secondary logos (vertical, horizontal, and round formats)

    • Logo Guideline sheet outlining the colors and fonts used in your logo

    • Social media profile image

    • One of the below:

      • Business card layout

      • Custom pattern design

      • Social media profile banners

  • $4,250.00

    Timeline: 4 weeks

Branding Amplified

Ideal for product- and service- based businesses with big goals and plans. This package includes the toolkit you need for your brand to truly pack a punch. Say goodbye to time wasted trying to slap things together from a Canva template — I’ve got you covered.

You’ll get a complete brand asset library to use on future collateral like packaging, postcards, brochures, social media graphics, and anything else you dream up. Want matching, branded sweatsuits for you and your cat? Nothing can stop you now!

    • Logo suite with brand marks (ex. vertical, horizontal, round, versions with & without a tagline, abbreviated, submarks, different color versions — whatever we need to make your brand shine!)

    • Brand Guidelines book outlining colors, fonts, design specs, brand personality, usage guidelines, and more helpful tips for using your files

    • Social media profile image

    • Brand color palette

    • 3 of the below:

      • Business card layout

      • Custom pattern design

      • Social media profile banners

      • Custom icon set (often used for Instagram highlights, website icons, merch, and more)

      • Set of social media post templates (in your Canva account)

  • $5,500.00

    Timeline: 5 weeks

New service: Budget-Friendly Branding & Website Design

For when you’ve got your eye on high-quality design, but aren’t yet ready to invest in custom services. Get a logo and a one-page website that align with your business — without breaking the bank.

Both Branding packages include:

  • Initial Strategy meeting (we’ll talk in depth about your values, goals, audience, design preferences, and more, and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of who your business is)

  • 2 design options (fully fleshed-out concepts for your Branding, including logo variations and mockups)

  • Several rounds of refinement to your chosen concept (we move forward with 1 of the 2 options)

Kindly note that I am not able to assist with business naming. Your name (and any optional business tagline) must be finalized by you before we begin your project.

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Frequently asked questions:

  • The Amplified Package focuses much more on a larger toolbox of visual elements to use for other design & marketing pieces in the future. If you’re a product-based business, or if you’re a service-based business that will be creating a lot of branded social media images, lots of marketing and/or print pieces, and/or packaging, the Amplified Package is likely a better fit than the Basic Package.

    The Basic Package is a good fit if those fundamental brand assets mentioned will be enough for you to work with. When you think about the next several years, if you envision pretty limited uses of your logos and limited need to create more branded pieces, then the Basic Package is likely adequate.

  • It is ideal if you know which package you'd like to go with at the beginning of our work together, because we will think about how all elements of your brand work as a whole during the design process, and we'll look at all of the pieces together.

    That said, if you did feel that you needed to upgrade to a higher package after we started working, we would find a way to make it work. I never want to hold you back from having what you need to make your brand the best it can be.

  • I am grateful to say that this situation has never occurred. Because my Strategy process is so thorough in getting to know your business, my design solutions always fit your business incredibly well.

    That said, if you didn't like either of the the initial concepts shown, we would regroup, discuss what is and isn't working, and I'd design one more concept based on your feedback, included in the original cost.

    If you haven't yet, please take a look at my Branding client stories for examples of my design style and thought process. If these resonate with you, that's a good sign that a positive outcome will result from our collaboration.

  • The short answer: No.

    The long answer: In order to be effective, even a simple logo is based on a thorough process and deep thought. And as your business grows, you're going to need proper files and a cohesive visual identity. I focus on comprehensive branding, and my packages are designed to provide all the pieces you need to present your new brand to the world strongly and cohesively.

    My process and deliverables allow me to provide you with branding that has longevity and meaning. I love working with businesses that are passionate about the process and excited for the results!

  • The short answer: No, I cannot give you concepts or work for free.

    The long answer: Because my design process is based hugely on getting to know your business during our Strategy meeting, I don’t start any designs until after we have that talk. Simply bypassing that process and throwing out a quick idea or drawing a quick sketch would never yield the same meaningful results as going through the process.

    If you are concerned whether or not you’ll be happy with the outcome, take a look at my work and my process. My client stories show my design style and thought process, so if those things resonate with you, that’s a good sign that our collaboration would arrive at a great solution for you. If you don’t like most of my other work, or if you don’t feel like the process I described interests you at all, I'm probably not the best fit.

  • Currently I don’t take on projects fixing existing designs or executing other design ideas. My tried-and-true process is very in-depth, and you will get the most out of it when we start from scratch and focus on strategy.

    If you already have a design idea started, we would talk through what is & isn't working during Strategy. Through that conversation, we'd determine if it makes sense to build on elements of your original direction or go in a completely new direction.

  • See the answer to the above question, plus:

    If you just have some symbols or ideas in mind that you might like to incorporate, that’s great. We will definitely talk through those in our Strategy meeting and determine if it makes sense to include them in your Branding.

    If you have a precise sketch or know exactly what you want your logo to look like, and you’re just looking for a designer to execute your vision, I’m not the best fit to help with that type of work but can recommend other resources for you.

  • After collaborating on your Branding, I’d absolutely be happy to work with you to design additional pieces!

    If you’re looking for a more comprehensive, custom design package right now, check out my Signature Branding + Web Design package.

    If you are looking to work together on a totally separate graphic design project that does not involve Branding or Web Design, please get in touch.

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Not sure which package is the right fit? Let’s start with a free consultation call!

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