Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions | Branding Questions | Web Design Questions

If you do not see your question listed here, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


General Questions

  • In order to provide you with the highest quality design possible, it's a no to all of the above. Typically I book several months in advance, and I only work with a small number of businesses at a time to ensure your project gets the attention it deserves. We will reach the best possible results through my tried & true process and timeline. Rushing through your work would do your business a disservice because I wouldn't be able to dedicate the necessary time to making your brand the best it can be.

  • I know firsthand that running a business is expensive; I've been there! I completely recognize that not every business always has the resources to invest in design, and that's okay. My prices as based on the value of my services so I can't bring them down, but I would love to keep in touch and connect again when your business is ready.

    In the meantime, please feel free to check out the blog post I wrote about design steps you can do yourself while you’re still in the beginning stages.

  • Because my process is based on deeply understanding your business, it is imperative that all owners of your company are present and engaged in our meetings. Hearing their point of view and building that relationship is how we will achieve results that truly resonate with who your business is.

    Branding and Web Design projects include two to three Zoom or in-person meetings: our kick-off meeting which is around an hour & a half, and our presentation meeting which is around an hour (1 for Branding, 2 presentations for Web Design).

    If your business owner is interested and excited about the design process, chances are this will be a great collaboration. If they are not interested in being involved and attending meetings, I'm probably not the best fit.

Branding & Logo Design Questions

  • The Amplified Package focuses much more on a larger toolbox of visual elements to use for other design & marketing pieces in the future. If you are a product-based business, and/or if you will be creating a lot of branded social media images, lots of print pieces, and/or packaging, the Amplified Package is likely a better fit than the Basic Package.

    The Basic Package is a good fit if those fundamental brand assets mentioned will be enough for you to work with. When you think about the next several years, if you envision pretty limited uses of your logos and limited need to create more branded pieces, then the Starter Package is likely adequate.

  • It is ideal if you know which package you'd like to go with at the beginning of our work together, because we will think about how all elements of the brand work as a whole during the design process, and we'll look at all of the pieces together.

    That said, if you did feel that you needed to upgrade to a higher package after we started working, we would find a way to make it work. I never want to hold you back from having what you need to make your brand the best it can be.

  • Each package is designed for a specific set of needs, so I can’t mix and match unfortunately. If you were to go with the Basic Package and feel that you needed something like an icon set later on down the road, we would work on that as a separate project at a separate cost.

  • The short answer: no.

    The long answer: I focus on comprehensive branding, and my packages are designed to provide all the pieces you need to present your new brand to the world strongly and cohesively. In order to be effective, even a simple logo is based on a thorough process and deep thought. And as your business grows, you're going to need proper files and a cohesive visual identity.

    My process and deliverables allow me to provide you with branding that has longevity and meaning. I love working with businesses that are passionate about the process and excited for the results!

  • The short answer is no, I cannot give you concepts or work for free.

    The long answer: Because my design process is based hugely on getting to know your business during our Discovery meeting, I don’t start any designs until after we have that talk. Simply bypassing that process and throwing out a quick idea or drawing a quick sketch would never yield the same meaningful results as going through the process.

    If you are concerned whether or not you’ll be happy with the outcome, take a look at my work and my process. My client stories show my design style and thought process, so if those things resonate with you, that’s a good sign that our collaboration would arrive at a great solution for you. If you don’t like most of my other work, or if you don’t feel like the process I described interests you at all, I'm probably not the best fit.

  • I am grateful to say that this situation has never occurred. Because my discovery process is so thorough in getting to know your business, my design solutions always fit your business incredibly well.

    That said, if you didn't like any of the the initial concepts shown, we would regroup, discuss what is and isn't working, and I'd design one more concept based on your feedback, included in the original cost.

    If you haven't yet, please take a look at my Branding client stories for examples of my thought process and design style. If these resonate with you, that's a good sign that a positive outcome would result from our collaboration.

  • It's difficult to picture your own logo and branding! First of all, you do not need to have any idea of what you want your design to look like. While it’s great if you have inspirational imagery, translating your business into a visual design is my job. If you like the style of my previous work, and my process resonates with you, we’ll arrive at a solution you love.

    Second, as long as you’re confident in knowing who your business is, it’s my job to translate that to design. Here are some tips for determining if you’re ready to embark on the branding journey:

    • Take a bit of time to really think about what you want your logo to communicate for your business. Knowing your values, your goals, and the message you want to get across will help determine the types of imagery or design styles that will work best, and learning about your business helps me create design that is fitting.

    • Think more about what your ideal customer is drawn to than what you like personally. Your logo is an expression of your business, but it needs to appeal more to your customers than to you.

    • Think more about how you want your brand to feel, not look. If this is something you can confidently do for your business, I'm confident that the design process will lead us to a solution that expresses your business's personality!

    If thinking about the above points feels daunting, all hope isn’t lost! My Brand Strategy session might be an excellent fit for you. It’s built around helping you identify the core of who your business is before we dive into design.

  • Because I focus on full brand identity design, I unfortunately don’t have time to take on projects fixing existing designs or executing other design ideas. My branding process includes an in-depth Discovery meeting and creation of brand new design concepts.

    If you have a design started that you’re not happy with, we would talk through what is & isn't working during Discovery. Through that conversation, we'd determine if it makes sense to build on elements of your original direction or go in a completely new direction.

  • See the answer to the above question, plus:

    If you just have some symbols or ideas in mind that you might like to incorporate, that’s great. We will definitely talk through those in our Discovery meeting and determine if it makes sense to include them in your branding.

    If you have a precise sketch or know exactly what you want your logo to look like, and you’re just looking for a designer to execute it, I am not the best fit to help with that type of work but can recommend other resources for you.

  • My frank answer to this is that you get what you pay for. There is a reason that logos from online design gig sites (Fiverr, Upwork, 99designs, etc.) or from non-professional designers often lead to issues in the future.

    To name a few, you risk:

    • Working with a designer that churns out canned designs quickly with little to no regard for what your business even stands for

    • Possibility of that designer using a stock image graphic for your logo instead of creating a custom-drawn design, which risks copyright infringement, is not unique to your business, and prevents you from copyrighting or trademarking your brand in the future

    • Possibility of that designer copying a logo from another business, which is not unique to your business and risks you getting sued for copyright infringement

    • Not having the correct files, so your logo shows up blurry on your website and printers can't print it properly

    • Not knowing your brand fonts or colors to create other pieces with the same look later

    When we work together, you can be assured that the thought and care I put into your brand design matches the passion that you have for what you do, prepares you for proper use of your visuals, and serves you well long-term.

  • After collaborating on your branding, I’d be happy to work with you to design additional pieces that add to your brand story.

    (If you are looking to work together on a totally separate graphic design project that does not involve branding, please get in touch.)

Squarespace Website Design Questions

  • Unfortunately not; I work exclusively in Squarespace.

  • Squarespace is a great option for most small businesses and entrepreneurs because:

    • It’s simple and all-in-one; all features are built right into Squarespace and don’t require you to update third-party plugins

    • It allows for modern, customizable, and unique designs

    • It’s incredibly easy for you to update yourself after the design is done

    • It works smoothly on computers, tablets, and phones

    • Because all features are built in, your website won’t “break” when Squarespace updates

    • It’s secure; only Squarespace’s in-house developers have access to its codes and software updates

    • It includes built-in SEO (search engine optimization) features (although full SEO services are recommended if ranking is important to you)

    I'm always happy to chat more about if Squarespace is a good fit for your business.

  • Squarespace: You will be required to create a Squarespace account.

    Google Drive: You will need to have access to Google Drive for content delivery.

    If you want to offer services through your website for things like appointment booking, accepting payments, or shipping, you would need to create accounts in those services’ platforms.

    Common accounts include Stripe for payments or a domain provider if you choose to use one other than Squarespace. (All integration platforms are viewable here.)

  • Squarespace: You will need to purchase a Squarespace membership when we’re ready to activate your site. All plans are viewable here. (I always recommend at least the Business plan.)

    Working with me, you will receive 20% off your first year with annual billing (new Squarespace sites only).

    Domain: You will need to purchase your domain. Through Squarespace, this is free for your first year.

    Any additional accounts you choose to connect (such as Scheduling or Stripe) may have their own fees.

  • In order to ensure the best results for your website, our work together is a collaboration. I help you strategize what content will be on your site & where it will go, and I design & build your website. You will be responsible for delivering all content (text and photos) 1 week before your project start date, unless we bring one of my copywriting or photography partners onboard to assist you.

  • When we work together, I provide you with a copywriting guide and suggestions for what to write. However, my expertise is in visual communication, so I leave writing about your business to you and/or an expert.

    All of your content (copy and photos) must be ready to go 1 week before we start your project. Normally I book several months in advance, so you’ll have plenty of time to work on your copy.

    As someone who has written my own website copy, I completely understand how overwhelming and difficult a task it can be! If you feel that writing the text for your website will be a struggle for you, I would absolutely love to connect you with one of my copywriting partners before we begin your project.

  • Once we schedule your project, you’ll receive my copywriting guide with tips and suggestions for writing your text. Typically you’ll have a few months to work on content before we get started. All of your content (text and photos) must be finished 1 week before we start your project.

    If your content is not ready 1 week prior to your project start date, your website design may be pushed back to my next availability with a rescheduling fee.

    If you anticipate that gathering content will be a struggle for you (I know it is a huge undertaking!), I would love to recommend one of my copywriting and/or photography partners to assist you in the process.

  • Please check out my blog post on this topic here!

    Optimizing your website to rank on Google is part of SEO, or search engine optimization. While I do input basic SEO features like page and image descriptions, this does not guarantee that your site will show up in Google searches. Comprehensive SEO requires an entirely different set of skills than design, so I am happy to recommend one of my SEO & digital marketing partners if rankings are important for your business.

  • I would love to! If you’re also interested in Branding, please check out my Signature Branding + Web Design Package.

    (Unless you book the Branding + Web Design package, I do not focus on the look of your logo when I’m designing your website.)

  • Once your site is complete, I provide you with a set of video tutorials that show you how to you update your website yourself. I’m also totally happy to make updates and edits for you if you’d prefer. I can make adjustments as needed at my hourly rate of $85.00/hour, or we can set up a monthly retainer to allot time for your website updates each month.

Still have a question or need more information?

Please get in touch!

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